Thursday, 17 March 2016

Thursday 17th March

Could all students please complete the following Google Form:

Plan for today:

If you do not have science it is Student Choice of the following lessons:

Number Lesson - 
  • Complete practice test B. 
  • Once you have finished, get the answers from the teachers and mark your test. 
  • Circle the ones you got wrong, then use the website and focus heading docs to learn how to fix up your mistakes. Year 10 Number website click here
Inquiry Lesson - 

Continue to collect information for each paragraph
Fill in the draft S.E.X.Y paragraph template in yout Top Town Doc - Click here for inquiry paragraph outline help

Once your draft paragraphs are done, create a new Google doc - This is your Good Copy of you report. Copy and paste your S.E.X.Y draft paragraphs, and add a conclusion and introduction to your report (see the top town templte doc on how to do this).

Literacy Lesson - 

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