Thursday 11 August 2016

Te Puawaitanga - Thursday 11th August

Block 2 - Algebra

Solving simple equations

As a class, we started to look at solving simple equations. In the first worksheet, you have completed some of the first task in groups before, so move on to the next task. There are answers at the bottom of the sheet so mark as you go and identify where you went wrong if you make any errors.

Once you have completed the worksheet,  click on the links and activities below, or go to the Algebra 2016 page on our website and explore the other activities and worksheets.

Online Activities:

Click on the Algebra 2016 page link below and explore the other activities and worksheets.

Block 3 - Environmental Studies, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

This is your final lesson on this assignment. Questions 1-12 must be completed to the best of your ability. Question 13 is a presentation that communicates to issue and shows solutions to the problem. It must be interesting and captivation for people to want to read it

Remember, to get an excellence you need the following...

Marking Schedule:

Background Information/Research
Explained about the GPGP. Most questions are answered to a satisfactory standard.
Explained in detail about the GPGP. The majority of questions are answered to a proficient standard.
Critical explanation about the GPGP. All questions are answered to an advanced standard.
Applying Scientific Knowledge
Scientific knowledge is applied to show an understanding of issues relating to the GPGP
Scientific knowledge is applied to show an in depth understanding of issues relating to the GPGP
Scientific knowledge is applied to show critical understanding of issues relating to the GPGP
Solutions/Critical Thinking
Solutions show a satisfactory level of critical thinking for what can be done to decrease human impact on the GPGP
Solutions show a proficient level of critical thinking for what can be done to decrease human impact on the GPGP
Solutions show a high level of critical thinking for what can be done to decrease human impact on the GPGP

Presentations begins to show aspects of being visually appealing, flowing and informative.
Presentation is generally visually appealing, flows and is informative.
Presentation is visually appealing, flows, and is informative (including graphs/charts/images) to a high level.

To Achieve with Excellence - 3 of the 4 categories at Excellence, one at Merit allowed.
To Achieve with Merit - 3 of the 4 categories at Merit or higher, one at Achieved allowed.
To Achieve - 3 of the 4 categories at Achieved or higher, one at Not-Achieved allowed.

At 2.30pm - Finishing Task for the lesson -

Go on youtube and find songs for our Karaoke session. Email Mr Reid a list of songs and who should sing them together in a duet. We will have class karaoke next Thursday. Do not forget to give yourself a song!!

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