Monday 22 August 2016

Te Puawaitanga Student Instructions for Monday 22nd August

Student instructions for Monday 22/08/16

Morena boys, I hope you all had a mean weekend. I did. My team had a mean win for soccer. (stop laughing, soccer is not that laim).

Below is the outline for the day.

Please respect yourself and others today. Add to our presentation, do not take away from it by disrespecting yourself, the class, or the teacher.

Block 1) WIth Matua Wharewera

Block 2) Algebra

  • Use your Individual Algebra Focus headings. Use the Year 10 website to find the specific work you need and  write their work in your math book.

  • Once you have mastered a task, you are to use the Sketch pad app to draw a sample of the work you have mastered. Then save this into your algebra doc (Save the image as a jpeg.)

  • Complete as many focus heading as you can, you need to get through this work as best as you can. The level 5 docs and links are on the year 10 website.

Block 3) Inquiry

Complete work in your Planning and Collecting stages of their inquiry using your Stage 1 and Stage 2 inquiry docs (found in your google classroom).

You need to complete:

  • Decide on a Fertile Question that will be achievable and successful to research
  • 4 Good key questions (possibly starting with who, what, when, where, how or why?)
  • Collect and source multiple online sources as research to any of the 4 key questions.
  • You must reference each source and follow the instructions on the inquiry stage 2 doc.

For the last 30mins of the day, you can use the sketchpad app for some creative drawing time to finish off the lesson.

At the end of this block there must be 19 chromebooks placed back into their specific slot in the trolley and all 18 stylus pens back in the box. Leave the trolley locked in the room. I will collect it on Tuesday.

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