Wednesday 31 August 2016

INQUIRY - Thurs 31st/Fri 1st

Please fill out the form below - ONE per group/individual. 
This is to help me identify who is working together and where you are at with your inquiry.

We are drawing to the end of week 6, this leaves you 3 more weeks to complete your inquiry.
Week 6 - Survey
Week 7 - Interview
Week 8 - Report writing
Week 9 - Presentation & Evaluation

~ I have emailed everyone their term 2 inquiry mark-sheet. Please read the comments and look at the list on the second/third page. Let me know if you have an issues viewing your document ~

Today you need to plan and create your SURVEY

Image result for surveySurvey planning:

A survey will help you gather a wide range of peoples opinions on your topic. You may choose to create two surveys that are targeted to different audiences.

You should be aiming to get about 80 responses from your survey this term. If 1 out of every 2 people respond to your survey that means you will need to get your survey out to 160 people!!

You will need to consider how you will get your survey out to a wide range of people (emailing THS students and staff is NOT a wide range of people!). Think: Twitter, Facebook, Emailing link to related groups/organisations...

Your survey needs to be EASY (not boring) for people to answer.
Think: Yes/No/Maybe   or    Strongly agree------Strongly disagree   or    Choose from the following...
~ You should only have a few questions that require written answers.

What information do you want to get from your participants? Ask questions specific to your topic (eg: Do you own a gun?).
Try and unpack your key questions into simple and easy to answer questions that will give you good information for your report.

Get two people to check your survey before getting a teacher check and then share with a wider audience

All done? Ahead of the game? Ka Mau te Wehi (Awesome!!), here is your next step...


Once you have completed your survey you need to plan and organise your interview. Sometimes finding someone and planning when you will conduct your interview can take some time, so get onto it early!

You need to interview an expert on your topic (this should not be a friend or family member!)

You should try and make contact with a couple of experts early and arrange to have your interview. If your first choice is unavailable or does not get back to you TRY SOMEONE ELSE!
Keep trying until you have success!!

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